Westmont College Privacy Notice

Westmont College is committed to safeguarding privacy in the collection, 处理及分享访客及各伺服器注册用户的个人资料. This policy describes the personal data we collect, process, and share; the measures we take to protect the privacy of that personal data; and the rights you have in connection with those activities.

Information We Collect and Process

Westmont collects information related to you and your identity (personal data).  By “processing”, we mean the collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction of this information whether or not by automated means.  Westmont stores the personal data it collects and processes that is essential for its operations for an indefinite period; and engages in the routine review of the stored data to determine the non-essential data that may be permanently deleted from its servers.  Personal data Westmont collects and processes includes but is not limited to:

  • Personal information: your name; username or sign-on details; password; areas or topics of interest; and photograph (if you or another user posts a photo on the Service).
  • Demographic information: gender; age/date of birth; nationality; salutation; job title, company information, education, work experience and other professional information; and language preferences.
  • Contact information: postal address; telephone and/or mobile number; and email address.
  • Consent records: time-stamped records of any consents you may have given, together with means of consent and any related information (e.g., the subject matter of the consent).
  • Purchase and payment details: records of purchases and prices; invoice records; payment records; billing address; payment method; cardholder or accountholder name; payment amount; and payment date.
  • Enrollment details: where you interact with us in your capacity as a student, your student identification number, courses taken and grades, academic standing, class rank, enrollment level.

Lawful Grounds upon Which Westmont May Process Personal Data

Westmont may process your personal data on any of the following lawful grounds:

  • Contractual Necessity: when processing is necessary for the performance of a contractual obligation
  • Legal Obligation: when necessary for the fulfillment of our legal obligations
  • Vital Interests:  when necessary to protect your vital interests or the vital interests of another individual
  • Public Interests:  为保护公共利益或代表公共利益执行任务或行使任何机构的官方权力而需要时
  • Legitimate Institutional Interests: 为了机构的合法利益,除非您的利益或基本权利优先于这些合法利益(特别是如果您是未成年人)。
  • Consent:当您明确同意为一个或多个特定目的处理您的个人数据时

Cookies and Other Tracking Technologies We Use

On some of its websites, Westmont uses text files called “cookies.“cookie由我们的网络服务器放置在用户的网络浏览器中,并由用户的浏览器存储.  cookie本身不包含个人数据,尽管它将使我们能够将您对本网站的使用与您明确且知情地提供的信息联系起来. Westmont uses cookies to track user traffic patterns. The only personal data a cookie can contain is information you supply yourself. A cookie can’t read data off of your hard disk or read cookie files created by other sites. You do not need to accept cookies to use our external web sites. However, you do need cookies to participate in sites requiring you to authenticate.

We May Share Collected Information About You

我们可能会出于合法的机构目的向其他实体披露您的信息,包括运营ag娱乐官网和向您提供服务, in accordance with applicable law. In addition, we may disclose your information to:

  • legal and regulatory authorities, upon request, 或用于报告任何实际或疑似违反适用法律或法规的行为;
  • outside professional advisors (such as accountants, auditors, or lawyers), subject to binding contractual obligations of confidentiality;
  • any relevant party, law enforcement agency or court, to the extent necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal rights;
  • any relevant party for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, including safeguarding against and the prevention of threats to public security;
  • any relevant third party provider, where we use third party advertising, plugins or content; and
  • to third parties whose practices are not covered by this Privacy Policy (e.g., third party providers of goods and services, marketing and advertising companies and agencies, content publishers and retailers).


  • Collaboration, email, and productivity applications
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Emergency alerting systems
  • Event management systems
  • Learning Management
  • Reporting tools
  • Social media systems
  • Student Information Systems

Security of Collected Information

 西蒙特保密信息安全计划描述了我们为防止损失而采取的预防措施, misuse or alteration of your personal data.  互联网上的数据传输本质上是不安全的,我们无法保证互联网上数据传输的安全性.  我们将把您提供的或收集的有关您的所有个人资料存储在安全的服务器上.

You are responsible for keeping your passwords confidential.

Transfers of Collected Information

We are located in the United States. 通过任何Westmont网站或各种服务器和软件系统提交您的个人数据, you transfer your personal data to us.  Westmont和其合同的数据处理器运营着由行业标准防火墙和密码保护系统保护的安全数据网络. Only authorized individuals have access to the information you provide. All security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary.

You Have Rights Associated with Your Information

Data Rectification - You are entitled to have any inadequate, incomplete or incorrect personal data corrected (that is, rectified).

Data Access - 您有权要求访问您的个人数据(包括收到其副本)以及有关处理的其他信息.

Right to Revoke Consent - If we ever process your personal data on the lawful ground of your consent, you have the right to withdraw consent at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Data Portability – if ever we rely (as the lawful ground for processing) upon your consent, 或者该处理是履行您作为当事人的合同(例如您的雇佣合同)所必需的事实。, and the personal data is processed by automatic means, 您有权收到您以结构化的方式提供给我们的所有个人数据, commonly used and machine-readable format, 并且要求它被传输到另一个控制器在技术上是可行的. 

Right to Erasure – You are entitled to have your personal data erased under specific circumstances, such as where you have withdrawn your consent, 您基于合法利益反对处理,而我们没有压倒一切的合法理由(请参阅上文的“合法理由”),或者个人数据被非法处理, provided that applicable law does not provide otherwise.

Right to Restriction of Processing – you have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data (that is, allow only its storage):

  • where you contest the accuracy of the personal data, until we have taken sufficient steps to correct or verify its accuracy;
  • where the processing is unlawful but you do not want us to erase the personal data;
  • where we no longer need your personal data for the purposes of the processing, but you require such personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims; or
  • 如果您以合法利益和合法理由反对处理(请参阅上述“合法理由”), 等待核实我们是否有令人信服的合法理由继续处理.

在您的个人资料受到限制的情况下,我们只会在您同意的情况下处理您的个人资料, exercise or defense of legal claims.

Right to Object to Processing (including profiling) Based on Legitimate Interest Grounds – where we rely upon legitimate interests to process personal data, you have the right to object to that processing. If you object, 我们必须停止该处理,除非我们能够证明有令人信服的合法理由可以凌驾于您的利益之上, rights and freedoms, or we need to process the personal data for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or applicable law requires otherwise.

Right to Object to Direct Marketing (including profiling) -您有权反对我们将您的个人资料用于直接营销目的(包括分析).

Right to Lodge a Complaint - 如果您认为处理您的个人数据违反了适用法律,您有权提出投诉.

就Westmont处理的您的个人数据提出投诉或行使您的任何权利,或者如果您对本GDPR数据隐私声明或我们对您的个人数据的处理有任何疑问, please send us an email at:


or write us and send your correspondence by post to:

Westmont College Information Technology

c/o   John Rodkey, Director of Servers and Networks

955 La Paz Road

Santa Barbara, CA 93018


Changes to this Notice

我们可能会不时更新本隐私政策,在我们的网站上发布新版本. You should check this page occasionally to ensure you are aware of any changes.