Martin Institute Board

盖尔·毕比(Gayle Beebe)自2007年起担任韦斯特蒙特学院(Westmont College)院长. He completed his doctorate (Ph.D.) and master’s in philosophy of religion and theology at Claremont Graduate University and also earned his MBA in strategic management from the Peter F. 克莱蒙特大学德鲁克管理学院. He received his master’s in divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary and earned his undergraduate degree from George Fox University in Oregon. 1980年秋天,他作为交换生在韦斯特蒙特大学度过了一个美好的学期. 

他是一位活跃的学者,撰写或编辑了许多书籍和文章,包括 塑造一个有效的领导者:领导力的八项形成原则 and 渴慕神:基督徒奉献的七条道路他与理查德·福斯特(Richard Foster)合著了这本书. 他和帕姆结婚30年了, and they have three adult children: Anna ’15; Elizabeth ’17; and Ricky ’21. 

Eff Martin

Eff Martin,私人投资者,Anthos Capital的创始合伙人. 他是Goldman, Sachs的前普通合伙人和常务董事 & Co. 他在投资银行业工作了32年,最后22年在高盛(Goldman Sachs)工作. He was one of the founders of the firm’s High Technology business and became a partner in 1988. He led Goldman Sachs’ coverage and notable transactions for many of the most prominent technology companies including Apple Computer, Cisco Systems, Hewlett-Packard, Juniper Networks and Microsoft.

He is deeply engaged in several areas of Christian spiritual formation ministries: discipling, 教导和领导男子团体的静修. He and his wife, Patty, are both involved with various aspects of spiritual formation including the Renovaré Institute, the Martin Institute, and Wellspring.

Eff积极参与广泛的ag娱乐官网事务. He currently serves on the governing or advisory boards of Pepperdine University; the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research; the San Francisco Symphony; Music@Menlo; the Greater Ravalli Foundation and the Martin Institute. He is a past Chairman of the Board of Menlo School and has also served on the boards of the Stanford Graduate School of Business, the Hoover Institution, Stanford Athletics, 帕洛阿尔托医学基金会和菲利普斯布鲁克斯学校.

他的兴趣包括圣经研究、音乐、高尔夫球、飞蝇钓鱼和户外活动. Eff和他的妻子Patty居住在加利福尼亚州的阿瑟顿. They have three grown children.

Patty Martin

Patty Martin received a master's degree in Counseling Psychology and training in spiritual direction from Azusa Pacific University as well as a certificate in spiritual formation through the Renovaré Institute. She is engaged in promoting spiritual growth through meeting with individuals and groups in the Menlo Park area. She has served on the Board and is a small group leader for the WellSpring organization, which offers various spiritual formation opportunities as well as SoulCare retreats for Bay Area pastors in 9-month cohorts. 她接受过依纳爵实践的领导培训, 并为几个小组提供了介绍或30周的静修.

She has taught numerous courses in spiritual formation based on the works of Dallas Willard, Richard Foster, and other writers. Patty is dedicated to Christian higher education and serves as a trustee at Westmont College. Another area of education she is involved in is the under-funded and under-resourced children at the elementary level in Redwood City, California.

Her interests include reading, golf, chamber music, cooking, interior design and travel. 她和丈夫Eff住在加利福尼亚州的阿瑟顿. They have 3 grown children.

Gary Moon

Gary W. Moon, M.Div. Ph.D. served as the founding Executive Director of the Martin Institute and Dallas Willard Center at Westmont College. He continues to serve as a Senior Fellow of the Martin Institute and Director of Conversatio Divina.


Gary also serves as Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Spiritual Formation at Richmont Graduate University in Atlanta. He served as the founding director of the Renovaré Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation and as a founding editor of the Conversations Journal

He writes in areas such as theoretical and practical integration of psychology and theology and has published and presented over 300 professional and popular papers. His most recent books include: 《成为达拉斯·威拉德:一个哲学家、教师和基督追随者的形成 (IVP, 2018); 永生:对达拉斯·威拉德ag娱乐官网教义的反思 & Formation (IVP, 2015) and Apprenticeship with Jesus (Barker Books, 2009). Other books include: Falling for God (Shaw/RandomHouse, 2004) and 精神指导和灵魂的关怀 (IVP, 2004), Homesick for 伊甸园(仆人,1997)和四卷本的家庭奉献系列,The Bible Ride (servant and LifeSprings). 

Gary has served as an instructor at the Fuller Graduate Schools of Theology and of Psychology, 以及厄斯金神学院的教职人员, Regent University, Richmont Graduate University, Azusa Pacific University, and Westmont College.

加里在编辑委员会任职 心理学与基督教杂志 and 心理学与神学杂志,婚姻与家庭:基督教杂志. 与大卫·本纳和拉里·克拉布一起,加里创立了 Conversations Journal

他的妻子是Regina,他们有两个女儿,Jessica Erin和Jenna rebecca.

James Catford

在伦敦从事商业出版工作期间, James Catford published a number of global leaders as well as the adult works of CS Lewis. During his fourteen years leading the British Bible Society he set up a think tank on public Christianity called Theos. A frequent visitor to China, 他曾担任Amity印刷公司副主席十年, 世界上最大的圣经供应商. 直到最近,他还是英国历史第三悠久的出版社(1698年成立)的董事长.

Today, James supports Christians in leadership around the world as Global Ambassador for American Bible Society and he chairs the newly established Center for Christianity and Public Life in Washington D. C.

他是复兴部的前主席, James now serves on the board of the Martin Institute at Westmont and chairs the Cultura initiative for emerging leaders. He is also a member of the Dallas Willard Research Center advisory board and is a judge for the annual Dallas Willard Book Award.  

詹姆斯和他的妻子苏住在伦敦, 曾为BBC工作的前电视新闻记者和主播. 

Mark Nelson

Mark Nelson, Ph.D. is the Monroe professor of philosophy and facilitates research on Christian spiritual formation of The Dallas Willard Research Center. Mark grew up near Chicago, 他毕业于惠顿学院,获得哲学学位, and earned a master’s degree and doctorate in philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. 在2006年来到韦斯特蒙特之前,他曾在英国利兹大学任教. 他研究伦理学、认识论和宗教哲学.

他的许多出版物包括:《功利主义者不能思考的东西》,《ag娱乐官网》,“不矛盾:哦,是的,那又怎样。,” “Think,和“Y和Z并没有脱离困境:生存彩票变得更加公平。.”

Steve Porter Headshot

Steve L. Porter is Senior Research Fellow and Executive Director of the Martin Institute for Christianity & Culture at Westmont College. Steve remains an affiliate Professor of Theology and Spiritual Formation at the Institute for Spiritual Formation and Rosemead School of Psychology (Biola University). Steve received his Ph.D. 在达拉斯威拉德(Dallas Willard)和M.Phil. 在牛津大学攻读哲学神学.

史蒂夫教授并撰写基督教精神培育方面的文章, the doctrine of sanctification, 心理学与神学的结合, and philosophical theology. 史蒂夫是对话中的心理学和精神形成(IVP)的合编人。, 神经科学与灵魂(Eerdmans), and Until Christ is Formed in You: Dallas Willard and Spiritual Formation (ACU Press) as well as authoring other books and articles. 史蒂夫还担任精神形成和灵魂护理杂志的编辑. 史蒂夫和他的妻子艾丽西亚结婚了,他们有两个孩子,卢克和锡耶纳.

Andrea Gurney Photo

Andrea Gurney是一位执业临床心理学家、教授和作家. 自2005年以来,她一直在韦斯特蒙特学院任教, 教授高年级课程,如 Clinical Psychology, Lifespan Development, Abnormal Psychology, Psychology of Marriage and Family, 以及凯普斯通心理学高级实习.

Andrea has a clinical practice 她在圣巴巴拉市中心专门从事夫妻和家庭治疗. 除了与个人,夫妻和家庭合作,她的演讲和 writing 关注关系健康和身心健康. Her first book, Reimagining Your Love Story: Biblical and Psychological Practices for Healthy Relationships 是她在线课程的基础, Marriage Bootcamp.

Andrea经常在当地ag娱乐官网发表演讲,话题从 为爱而生:早期依恋的重要性, 婚姻:在你购买或接受戒指之前你应该知道的事情, 心理学和爱情有什么关系?《ag娱乐官网》, 建立儿童和青少年的复原力,帮助儿童应对创伤. Additionally, Andrea is an active member of Santa Barbara Psychological Association and Santa Barbara Response Network. She is trained in Psychological First Aid (PFA) and has led trauma processing groups in response to local tragedies over the past fifteen years.

Andrea earned a Ph.D. 在波士顿东北大学咨询心理学硕士.S. 在宾夕法尼亚大学获得心理服务学士学位.A. in Psychology at Wheaton College. She completed a Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Couples and Family Counseling and a Pre-Doctoral Internship in Individual Therapy at Harvard Medical School. 她在哈佛附属波士顿儿童医院工作了八年, 她在那里接受了发展和临床心理学专家的培训. 

安德里亚和丈夫以及两个女儿住在圣巴巴拉, 在业余时间,她喜欢旅行, play outdoors, 与家人和朋友共度时光.