学生领导的事工 城市计划

城市计划 is seeking to equip and engage Westmont students to develop a Christ-centered heart in relation to human suffering, 服务, and ministry by participating in the restorative work God is already doing in our local community and urban areas while leaning into humility, 同理心, and stewardship and raising awareness and mobilizing our community in thoughtful response.

Get involved with our local ministries and/or Fall + Spring Break Experiences!







Education Leader and Local Teams Assistant

Local Teams Liaison and Education Assistant

Fall and Spring Break Ministry Experiences

Fall Breakaway 2022 in San Francisco October 8-10th

落在 旧金山

Saturday October 8 - Monday October 10

Learning from Christ-centered ministries in the city, to lament and celebrate with the body of Christ.

See 城市计划 email for application link.




Spring Break experiences are designed to provide students with an opportunity to learn about urban engagement and ministry in the contexts of other major cities, in order to equip students to contextualize what they learn to engage in the cities they live in. 


Encounter the rhythms and realities of the third most populous city in the United States. By partnering with an organization called BridgeBuilders, participants will have the opportunity to listen to and learn from the members of the Woodlawn community of Chicago. You'll have the opportunity to learn about the Bible’s teachings on shalom, 贫困, 正义, 种族和文化, 和好客, as well as being able to engage with the community through responsible and sustainable 服务 projects alongside BridgeBuilders' community partners. 

Themes: Marginalized Communities, Racial Equality & Justice, 圣经您好, Community Development, Hospitality

Los Angeles: 城里的春假
Immerse yourself in the diversity of the city of Los Angeles. 了解Skid Row的无家可归者, opportunities for formerly gang-involved men and women at Homeboy Industries, the work of Christ through various ministries throughout the city, and the unique complexities that come with living out the Gospel in a multicultural urban setting.

主题:Skid Row, 无家可归, 前帮派成员康复, 文化ag娱乐官网, 圣经您好

San Francisco: 城里的春假
Engage and learn from the unhoused, youth, and LBTQ +ag娱乐官网 of the Tendorloin neighborhood. You will have the opportunity to partner with YWAM San Francisco and City Hope through relationship-building, 听故事, serving hot-meals meanwhile witnessing the Imago Dei in those you encounter. 

主题:无家可归, LBTQ +ag娱乐官网, 文化ag娱乐官网, 圣经您好, 文化ag娱乐官网.



像你这样的. 如果你愿意支持 



生命之粮 is a weekly meal-sharing program at Alameda Park where Westmont students - in collaboration with 王国的原因 以及当地的宗教团体 spearhead a unique opportunity to meaningfully engage with our friends without 首页s in 圣芭芭拉分校.


我们每周四晚上6点到8点开会. Meet at 5:50pm at the KSC parking lot above the Dining Commons for transportation. 所以,本周加入我们吧! For more information contact: Grace Burgess (gburgess@promisesurfing.net)

East Side Kid's Club is a weekly faith-based after-school program where the children from the Eastside's lower income Latino community experience God's love through relationships, 护理, 赋权, 还有志愿者领导的指导.


儿童俱乐部在周四下午5-7:30举行. Transportation is provided; meet in the DC parking lot. 希望你能加入我们! For more information, contact: Tara Shaw (tashaw@promisesurfing.net) & 麦蒂·梅洛奇(mmeloch@westmont).edu)

移民的希望 provides resources for legal residents such as a Civic Course for English and Spanish-speaking adults that are applying for naturalization. 移民的希望 prepares students for the civics test, which requires individuals to carry a conversation in English and have basic knowledge of the U.美国政府及其历史. 才能看到个人的成功, tutoring and child 护理 is provided for individuals and it is our hope to see them pass their civics exam. 


我们周一至周四下午6点至8点开会. For more information and transportation contact: Elena Klinger (eklinger@promisesurfing.net) & 凯蒂·梅休(kmayhew@westmont).edu)

训练营 (T-Camp) is dedicated to providing a bright future for our city's lower resourced youth. Our vision is to see every student in the 圣芭芭拉分校 community graduate high school, fully equipped to excel in every area of life. We provide both after-school programs at local elementary schools and by hosting quarterly sports camps to the broader 圣芭芭拉分校 community.


For more information contact: Lucy Behinger (lbehringer@westmont.edu)

贩运人口行动小组 is a weekly group partnered with 王国的原因 that seeks to educate the Westmont student body on the issue and presence of human trafficking in the city of 圣芭芭拉分校 and equip students to advocate those caught in trafficking as well as survivors. 


For more information contact: Kaisa Lindman Marshall (klindmanmarshall@promisesurfing.net)



我们期待与您的会面! 请 电子邮件我们 if you would like to stop by during office hours.

The 城市计划 office is located on the 2nd floor of the Kerr Student Center (KSC), 在公共餐厅上方(DC).


电子邮件: urban_initiative@promisesurfing.net

Assistant Director of Campus Life for Ministry & 外展
电子邮件: kfunk@promisesurfing.net